Speak, Memory – Trifextra

For Trifextra 85.

Remember the apostrophe?  About.com defines apostrophe as, “A figure of speech in which some absent or nonexistent person or thing is addressed as if present and capable of understanding.”

As others have been brave enough to mention they did not know of this alternate definition of apostrophe, I’ll echo that. I thought it was merely a punctuation mark. I love learning new things!

I’ve commandeered the title from Nabokov’s memoir of the same name.  Highly recommended if you haven’t read it.


Memory, where do you think you’re going?

Who is this actor playing my daughter?

She claims I’ve wandered.

I am not a dog in need of a chain.

I lack only your map.

Thanks for reading!

23 thoughts on “Speak, Memory – Trifextra

    • It’s gut-wrenching to watch. And you think to yourself, be happy, if at all possible, every day of your life. Take it all in. Savor the moments. You just never know…

  1. So touching and emotional Steph!Memory is like a whisper -specially as one ages,it becomes more and more elusive but it must be so terrible for those who suffer from Alzheimer’s or something like that 😦

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